❓ Onboarding Buddies

We run a buddy scheme during onboarding at Upstack Studio where we assign existing team members to greet and orient new hires to the team.

2 buddies will be assigned to a new team member. One from the same department where he/she will be helping the new hire with everything work-related.

Whereas, the other buddy helps the new hire to get acquainted with all the essential information while sharing unstructured knowledge on topics like - workplace culture, company policies, perks and benefits, and more.

Typically, we make this someone from outside your department - we do this so that you can get to know someone who is not your direct team or you will work with super closely day-to-day.

🤺 What do buddies do?

Buddies support the new team member through their first 30 days at Upstack Studio. They are there to answer questions, enable the new joiner to get help from the right person, be there to have informal 1:1s, and develop a good relationship.

🧰 How?

We will introduce you to this person in the onboarding process before your first day via Slack and they will take care of the rest!

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